4 Reasons Why It’s Time to Get a CMOM Certification

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Feb 27, 2024 10:58:00 AM

Leading a busy medical practice comes with an incredible amount of responsibility. There's no time to stop and take a breath when everywhere you turn something or someone needs your attention. Whether it's hiring and supervising office staff, managing the practice cash flow, maintaining compliance, or ensuring patients are seen within a reasonable timeframe, each day presents new challenges. Studying to become a Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM) can boost your knowledge and help you become a more effective and efficient practice manager.

Here are a few more reasons why you should get a CMOM certification:

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Topics: Practice management, CMOM, medical office certification, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office leadership

CMOM Training Class Starts in July:  Here's How to Prepare Now

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Sep 19, 2023 3:15:44 PM

If you've been thinking about CMOM and getting certified in practice management, we're here to help you get back on track. Registration is now open for the live online training series beginning July 17th. You can read all of the details on our CMOM page, and below you can find an overview along with FAQs. Get a refresher on what CMOM offers and includes, and take the steps toward career advancement.

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Topics: CMOM, PMI Certification, cmom certification

Crisis Leadership for Medical Office Managers

Posted by Nancy Clements on Oct 31, 2022 11:34:57 AM

You are thinking about the busy workday ahead as your car inches forward in heavy morning traffic. An incoming call from the medical office building manager changes the trajectory of your day. Downed power lines from a heavy storm have forced the offices to close indefinitely. Water has seeped into the building. Now your thoughts shift to the patient load for the week, in-office procedures scheduled for the day, and communicating with staff heading into the office. How can you address the closure, property damage, system outages, and other unknown perils as quickly as possible?

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Topics: CMOM, medical office manager topics, medical office compliance, workplace violence, leadership, workplace safety, Crisis Leadership

Practice Management Woes: CMOM Challenges and Opportunities

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Aug 23, 2022 7:40:16 AM

The 2022 edition of the Medical Group Management Association's MGMA DataDive Cost and Revenue Report indicates the pandemic has sparked an overall downturn in healthcare productivity, increased operating costs, staffing shortages, and inflation. One positive shift noted was an increase in patient portal use. There's a lot of ground to gain in 2023. Seeking out efficiencies has never been more important. 

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Topics: CMOM, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office, medical office manager topics, cmom certification

Certified Medical Office Manager: Frequently Asked Questions

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Aug 1, 2022 4:19:00 PM

One of the most popular training and certification programs PMI offers is the Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM)(R). This curriculum helps office managers take charge of their practice, better manage risk, motivate employees, and improve the financial outlook in a medical office.

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Topics: CMOM, PMI Certification, medical office certification, Certified Medical Office Manager

Best Practices for Recruiting Front Desk Medical Staff

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Jun 20, 2022 11:00:00 AM

As medical practices bounce back from the pandemic, many are finding it challenging to recruit and hire great employees, including front desk staff. Don't put this off! It takes time to find the right fit, and as patient flow picks up, you need to be ready!  Here are some recruitment best practices for Medical Office Managers to help you attract the best talent.

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Topics: Practice management, CMOM, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office, medical office manager topics, medical practice issues, staff recruiting

CMOM Course Overview with PMI Faculty Member, Linda D’Spain

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Apr 13, 2022 3:45:00 PM

Here at PMI, we receive a lot of questions from prospective students about the Certified Medical Office Manager course and exam. They want to know things like how much experience and knowledge is needed to begin the course and tips on how to study for and pass the exam. So, we asked PMI faculty member, Linda D’Spain, to address some common questions about the certification course. 

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Topics: Practice management, CMOM, PMI Certification, medical office certification, Certified Medical Office Manager

It's Almost CMOM Season: Prepare for New February Class

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Dec 29, 2021 11:00:00 AM

The last few years have caused many of us to delay our plans on professional development and turn our attention to other things to help get us through. With a new year around the corner, it's time to reset and refocus on your career.

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Topics: CMOM, PMI Certification, cmom certification

How to Properly and Safely Terminate an Employee

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Jul 29, 2021 4:27:09 PM

As a Medical Office Manager, there are few actions as uncomfortable as firing an employee. Yet, after verbal warnings, write-ups, and other corrective actions, you know when this time has come to gather your documentation and make difficult decisions about how and when to proceed. But failure to follow proper procedures and federal guidelines could put your practice at risk of an employee lawsuit or a compliance violation. Take a look at some best practices and a termination checklist below to help you proceed professionally and safely.

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Topics: Practice management, CMOM, medical office manager topics, medical office compliance, medical practice issues, personnel management

CMOM Certification is Within Your Reach: Take These Steps to Prepare Now

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Jul 12, 2021 12:09:00 PM

No matter where you are in your career, long-range planning and determination will help you achieve your goals faster. And if your plan includes rising the ranks in medical office management, then experience, time management, confidence, and great people skills will help you get there. Add certification in medical office management to the mix, and you've got a long-term recipe for success! 

Don't know where to start? Here are a few steps to help get you on your way to becoming a Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM). We know you can do it, so let's get you there!

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Topics: CMOM, PMI Certification, medical office, medical office leadership

Why Do I Need CMOM Training & How Can I Justify It to My Manager?

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Jun 11, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Two of the most common questions PMI receives about the Certified Medical Office Manager credential are, "Why do I need a CMOM certification?" and "How can I get buy-in from my provider/supervisor?"  We asked PMI faculty member, Linda D’Spain, to share her thoughts and address these specific CMOM FAQs. Whether you are just starting out on your career journey or thinking about your next career move, watch the video or read on for insider tips to get you CMOM-ready. 

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Topics: CMOM, PMI Certification, medical office certification, Certified Medical Office Manager, cmom certification, CMOM FAQs

Perseverance Through Change: Practice Manager Ashton Ardila's Journey

Posted by Nancy Clements on Mar 16, 2021 3:41:30 PM

Your Family Doktors, a 25-year-old family practice in Webster, TX, faced many operational challenges over the past year as the COVID-19 pandemic sent healthcare into a tailspin. Office Manager Ashton Ardila, CMOM, CMIS, shared some of the hurdles and frustrations her team faced, and how the practice has persevered.

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Topics: Practice management, CMOM, medical office certification, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office manager topics, medical office compliance, medical office staff, administrative burdens

PMI & Gastrologix Begin National Medical Practice Training Initiative

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Mar 8, 2021 9:19:38 AM

Practice Management Institute (PMI) and Gastrologix have partnered to develop a Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM)® certification specific to the specialty of Gastroenterology. This joint effort will provide affordable medical practice specific training and credentialing opportunities for the Gastrologix membership throughout the country. 

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Topics: value proposition, medical practice benchmarking, CMOM, PMI Certification, medical office certification, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office

Managing Disruptive Employees in a Medical Office: 9 Behaviors to Watch

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Sep 28, 2020 8:00:00 AM

You didn’t sign up to play referee or counselor to adults that don’t get along. But personality conflicts and unprofessional behavior in the workplace should not be taken lightly. It can destroy your medical office productivity, morale, and send good employees packing.

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Topics: Practice management, CMOM, PMI Certification, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office, medical office manager topics, cmom certification, difficult personalities

Performance Reviews Done Right

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Oct 9, 2019 6:47:56 PM

If you break out in a sweat when it’s time to conduct employee performance reviews, you’re not alone.  For many medical office managers, this is a difficult but necessary step in developing your team. Your staff probably dreads it as much as you, but performance reviews are an important way to gauge your employees’ work successes and stressors, and create better overall communication.

The goal is to take a positive approach and avoid a few common errors. This will help put everyone at ease, including yourself. So, we put together some do’s and don’ts to use as a guide to help your next round of performance reviews go smoothly.

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Topics: CMOM, Certified Medical Office Manager, medical office manager topics

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