When a Medicare patient has multiple sources of insurance coverage, Medicare will only pay for services after the primary payer has processed the claim and made their payment. Medical office staff must always verify the patient's insurance coverage thoroughly - gathering all necessary information from the primary insurance, such as policy numbers, claim submission instructions, and any preauthorization requirements, etc.
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Practice cash flow,
payer contract,
carrier contract,
carrier contract guidelines,
medicare compliance,
patient billing,
How would you characterize the success of your medical office? A steady flow of patients is one benchmark. What about your team; do your providers take an active role in practice management? Are your clinical and administrative teams showing up with purpose? How about financial health? It is an ongoing struggle in every practice, and we've found two CMOMs on a mission to help you improve it.
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Practice management,
Practice cash flow,
medical practice issues,
financial management
How would you characterize the success of your medical office? Is it a steady flow of patients, low denials, providers that take an active role in the business, a great clinical and administrative team? How about the financial health of the practice? It’s hard to guide the ship in the right direction when you are too busy plugging holes in the galley.
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Practice management,
Practice cash flow,
medical practice issues,
financial management,
patient billing,
patient collections
Pay careful attention to the latest reimbursement, compliance guidelines, and waivers as you integrate telehealth into patient care, experts warn. As the newness wears off, denials could start rolling in if you aren't watching the updates closely.
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Practice management,
Practice cash flow,
medical office compliance,
medical practice issues,
medical billing
Changes to healthcare delivery, and billing codes during the pandemic, along with major updates to the E/M documentation guidelines have created a ripe environment for government-contracted auditors. But you have the right to challenge auditors. Take steps now to establish your culture of compliance.
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Practice cash flow,
payer contract,
carrier contract guidelines,
medical office,
medical billing,
financial management,
Elizabeth Daley, MHA, CMIS, CMOM, CMCO, is Director of Client Success at Collect Rx, a 15-year-old company launched by former executives from third-party vendors who pioneered the out-of-network (OON) industry. The company works with 2,100 clients across the country and have built a proprietary database with thousands of claim resolutions at their fingertips to facilitate and expedite the negotiation process.
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Practice cash flow,
value proposition,
carrier contract guidelines,
medical practice issues,
medical billing,
financial management
When the economy is strong, the retail industry experiences growth. However, that extra consumer cash does not always flow into the medical industry. That is because for most consumers, budgeting for healthcare is lower priority, and high deductibles put cost of care out of reach for many Americans. Consumers are more reserved when it comes to healthcare, often seeking the least expensive approach to care.
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Practice management,
Practice debt,
Practice cash flow