PMI Shorts #3: Tidal Health Implements CMOM as the pathway for Practice Leaders

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Apr 2, 2024 4:06:48 PM

An Interview with Rachel Bomar, MHR, SPHR, SHRM-SPC Tidal Health and Jan Hailey, MHL, CMOM, CMC, CMIS, CMCA E/M

David: Welcome everyone, thank you for joining me. Today is a little bit different for Jan and I. First of all Jan, I believe this is now the PMI shorts number three and today is a little bit different because I'm typically talking and asking Jan questions today Jan and I are asking the questions. We are joined by Rachel Bomar. Rachel is with Tidal Health, a Health Care system in Salisbury, Maryland and Tidal Health has just recently made the decision to bring CMOM on board in house however we want to phrase that for some of their personnel and we wanted to visit about that today, so having said that Jan welcome Rachel thanks for being here!

Jan: Thanks David, good to be here with you today, and welcome Rachel.

Rachel: Well thank you both for having me!

David: Absolutely. Rachel, I wanted to start off by having you just give a kind of a brief overview of Tidal Health and then also your role within the company.

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Topics: Insider, medical coding

PMI Shorts #2: CMOM Beginnings & Journey: 25 Years in the Making

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Apr 2, 2024 3:14:02 PM

PMI Shorts - Episode #2: a conversation with David T. Womack, Jan Hailey, MHL, CMOM, CMC, CMIS, CMCA E/M & Kem Tolliver, CMOM, FACMPE, CPC

David: My name is David Womack, and I am the President and CEO of Practice Management Institute. And today I am joined by Kem Tolliver and Jan Hailey. Kem and Jan are both trainers with PMI, both teach the CMOM curriculum. Today we are going to dive into not-really the CMOM class as much as Kem and Jan's CMOM journey, and how it all began with CMOM. Welcome Kem, welcome Jan.

Kem and Jan: Thanks for having us, David.

David: So initially for those who are not aware, I want to kind of share the CMOM story - how CMOM came about. This year, 2024, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of CMOM. So, (yeah, exactly), so we're trying to give CMOM its props, tell the story, and to interact with a lot of people that have become CMOM graduates, and low and behold, here's two of our own. So in the early 90's - late 80's early '90s, PMI had our curriculum "How to be the Best receptionist", "how to be the best collector", "office management basics" class, and ICD-9 classes in-the-day, and a variety of things. And a certain segment of our audience reached out and asked, "What's next?" Being in the proverbial "ivory tower," we sat and looked at each other and thought, we really don't have anything for that. So we thought about it, went to the drawing board and created the CMOM curriculum to be kind of an overarching, almost like the last class you take as a college senior it's not gateway,... Is it a capstone? Capstone, that's exactly it, kind of ties all the pieces together, and that's what CMOM was for. We joked internally that CMOM course was going to be for "the person that missed the meeting" that showed up at work one day and said, guess who's the new office manager. That's who this class was designed for. Anyway, Jan and Kem, like I said, we had some fun putting this together - certainly a lot of memories.

Certainly without dating anybody here, you all received your CMOM certification many moons ago.

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Topics: Insider, medical coding

Practice Management Institute Partners with New Mexico Medical Society and the Greater Albuquerque Medical Association

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Mar 29, 2024 9:54:10 AM

Practice Management Institute®, the New Mexico Medical Society, and the Greater Albuquerque Medical
Association Announce Sweeping State-wide Training Initiative for Affiliated Medical Practice Staff
Practice Management Institute is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the New Mexico Medical
Society (NMMS) and the Greater Albuquerque Medical Association (GAMA) in a joint effort to provide affordable
medical practice specific training and certification opportunities to its state-wide membership. This partnership
supports the strong commitment of NMMS and GAMA to enhance the knowledge base of medical practice staff
through education. The goal of the collaboration is to advance the educational opportunities of affiliated practice
staff by providing easily accessible resources from the industry experts.

So often, providers and practice leadership are hard-pressed to find quality, localized, in-person or web-based
educational opportunities for their team. As in many industries, the rules and regulations safeguarding the
business of medicine are numerous and oft changing, especially those relating to and directly affecting
reimbursement. In this venture, New Mexico practices will now be able to choose from a well-rounded selection
of courses that will go far to elevate staff and solidify the bottom-line success of the medical practice.

Bi-monthly programming will begin in May, and 2024 topics will cover all facets of practice operations such as
front desk excellence, patient experience, coding, billing, reimbursement, and compliance sessions, as well as
the nationally recognized Certified Medical Office Manager (CMOM®) legacy certification and other certification
programs offered by PMI.


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Topics: Insider, partnerships

Practice Management Institute Partners with Escambia County Medical Society

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Mar 12, 2024 1:52:23 PM

Practice Management Institute® Partners with Escambia County Medical Society- Pensacola, FL In Exciting New Training Initiative for Affiliated Medical Practice Staff

Practice Management Institute is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the Escambia County Medical Society (ECMS) in a joint effort to provide affordable medical practice specific training and certification opportunities to its membership. This partnership supports the strong commitment of ECMS to enhance the knowledge base of medical practice staff through education. The goal of the collaboration is to advance the educational opportunities of affiliated practice staff by providing easily accessible resources from the industry experts.

So often, providers and practice leadership are hard-pressed to find quality, localized, in-person or web-based educational opportunities for their team. As in many industries, the rules and regulations safeguarding the business of medicine are numerous and oft changing, especially those relating to and directly affecting reimbursement. In this venture, ECMS-affiliated practices will now be able to choose from a well-rounded selection of courses that will go far to elevate staff and solidify the bottom-line success of the medical practice.

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Topics: Insider, partnerships

Practice Management Institute Welcomes Michelle Mauldin, BA, CMIS to Associate Instructor Team

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Mar 12, 2024 12:58:06 PM

PMI is elated to announce the addition of Michelle Mauldin, BA, CMIS, to our brilliant team of Associate Instructors! The addition of Michelle to our super talented faculty pool marks another exceptional score for PMI, and for our partners and students in west Texas and beyond, all of whom will benefit from her superb skillset,  and her passion for keeping medical practice staff in the know.

A long-time member of the PMI family,  Michelle Mauldin has spent her entire professional life in the healthcare industry and has worked for longtime PMI partner Hendrick Health for 15 years. Initially, as the Employee Development Manager, Michelle was responsible for enhancing the skills of the employees within the health system by analyzing the training needs of the clinics, modifying existing training programs, and creating new ones.  

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Topics: Insider, medical insurance

PMI Shorts #1: Medical Coding Course Series Takes New/Novice Coders to Expert Level

Posted by Practice Management Institute on Mar 4, 2024 4:46:27 PM

PMI’s New Medical Coding Bundle – a conversation with PMI President/CEO David T. Womack and PMI PMI’s Medical Coding Bundle Instructor and Lead Creator Jan Hailey, MHL, CMC, CMCO, CMIS, CMOM, CMCA E/M

David: Jan, first of all, thank you for doing this and second talk to us about the medical coding bundle and why it exists.  

Jan: Thank you for having me David! I have taught Practice Management Institute’s Certified Medical Coder course for many years. Recently, we have seen more people enrolling in this course that have a desire to learn and get certified, but they do not have the years of experience it takes to be successful. This is why I am especially excited about the new Medical Coding Bundle! Enrolled students have access to a progressive series of basic to intermediate-level courses. Once they are done with that training, they are ready to enroll in the top-level training: the Certified Medical Coder course. 

This series is an excellent choice because it is an inclusive program for beginners who may not have any coding experience. It was designed to meet today’s needs and bring them up to the level that it takes to be successful in the certification course and gives them a better foundation to pass the exam. 

Each of these classes is comprehensive; there are five different classes, plus a self-paced medical terminology course that the student can take. This series begins with the basics: introduction to medical coding, and then ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS coding. Then the CMC course itself. It is a progressive series that will prepare the student to pass the CMC exam. 

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Topics: Insider, medical coding

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